I was thinking of Pa this morning. Wondered how his team is doing and whether his eye is as good as ever. He says he hit over 400 last season, but there’s no record of it. Still, he’s not one to fib, or even embellish. I also wondered what would interest him if he was here.
I’m pretty sure he’d like Kyoto, its balance of progress and tradition. Having done some city planning in his younger days, Pa would appreciate the public transportation system and the way the streets are laid out.
I got to looking at the subway map for places he’d want to visit. Near the end of the Green Line, and not far from the Shokubutsuen stop, is the Kyoto Botanical Garden. If Pa was here he’d choose to go there, but he’d probably get homesick too, thinking of Bea and spring flowers. But as he’s not, I could take a lot of pictures for when he gets back.
Pa has a nearly photographic memory, or so he says. As I can’t recall him every forgetting anything, I’ll have to take it as fact. Anyway, I’d be sure to take enough so he could report back to Bea.
It being sunny, I walked the thirty minutes to Kyoto Station, was on the Green Line by noon and off shortly after. A ten minute walk and 200yen for entry and I was inside, greeted by a lovely lady.

It was quiet, which I liked.
There was a young bamboo grove,

and an even younger stand.

Some peonies,

last of the season I imagined,
and a pond

with two young lovers.

I thought that was about it until I emerged from a wooded area

and came upon a different garden.

It was quite something,

a delight in fact.

Endless flowers

at the height of their glory.

Then I realized I wasn’t alone. There was a photo bug,


and another.

An old artist,

and a younger one.

A young scholar,

a young botanist,

a couple of bird watchers,

strollers, single

and in tandem.

Another photo bug,

and a fellow, quite poised,

and much at home in his surrounds.

And there were a few at rest as well,

for what better place to be at rest. Pa would surely have joined them.

I left the people behind,

entered a different garden,

and stepped back in time.

This was a special place,

surely spirits reside there.

And on the far side,

a woman in commune.
Not wanting to disturb,

I made my way back

to where the people were.