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Faces Of Nepal

Fred Van Liew

Pa and I spent the evening looking at photos. As beautiful as Nepal is, time and again we returned to the faces.

So many are compelling, and will forever be unforgettable for Pa and me.

They are faces to be shared, spread around, alerting those who’ve yet to travel to Nepal that it’s not too late. There is a place in the world where kindness is in the blood, a genetic trait.

I recall reading a book by a Jesuit scholar who contended that each country has a particular genius for something. The Germans for precision and orderliness. Italians for art and architecture. The French for cooking, perhaps. And so on.

The Nepalese I believe, have a genius for connecting, for reaching out to the stranger in their midst. It may not be universal. There are always exceptions and the circumstances of life can make it difficult at times. But Pa and I experienced enough kindness to know that in Nepal it’s more the norm than an anomaly.

So we’ll share with you faces we met along the way and will never forget.

We‘re in Kuala Lumpur now,

but our hearts remain in Nepal.


2 comentários

25 de mar. de 2023

We miss your presence at our homestay ❤


Elizabeth Chapman
Elizabeth Chapman
25 de mar. de 2023

What a moving post, my friend.

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